Project Highlight
I've had the pleasure of collaborating with best-selling author Chad Veach and his publishing team at Baker Publishing Company for three out of his four book launches. Chad Veach, the founder and lead pastor of ZOE Church in Los Angeles, California, has devoted two decades to ministry and preaching the Gospel. Apart from his leadership at ZOE, he's an international speaker and the host of "Leadership Lean In," a highly-ranked leadership podcast.
One of the book trailers we made for “Unreasonable Hope”
Art Direction, Merch, Experiential, Digital
Experiential, Graphic, Print
Merch, Experiential
Branding, Packaging, Logo
Merch, Art Direction, Illustration
Art Direction, Design, Animation
Merch, Art Direction, Illustration
Branding, Art Direction, Merch, Photography
Merch, Art Direction, Illustration
Design, Art Direction